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Cash and Debt in Good and Bad Times

COVID-19: Pivoting to Recovery and Sustainable Growth

As owners of small- and medium-sized businesses are adjusting to economic changes from the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty from the University of Washington Foster School of Business are offering 7 workshops to help businesses pivot to new opportunities. Please join us for all of them or just a few as your schedule permits. Advance registration is required, see link below. The series occurs every Wednesday at 5:30pm until June 24th.

Cash and Debt in Good and Bad Times – May 27 - Thomas Gilbert, Professor of Finance. The precipitous drop in demand from consumers, businesses, and government has added pressure for businesses to manage case and their debts wisely. This workshop will explore how to maintain liquidity over the next 12-24 months while the economy gradually re-opens.


Space is limited and advance registration is required. Registration deadline is 11:00 AM Pacific Time each Wednesday and a link to Zoom session will be sent to all registered participants on Wednesday afternoons.

May 20

The Coronavirus Pivot: Customer Discovery Strategy for Your Business

June 2

Ascend LA Info Sessions