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Understanding Basic Accounting and Bookkeeping

The focus of this course is to understand the basics of accounting and bookkeeping, making you feel comfortable navigating your financials. Learn key bookkeeping account terms and chart of accounts.

*Brought to you in partnership with the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) , South Los Angeles Business Source Center and Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) . Auxiliary Aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Crystal Mitchell is a business professional with a successful 25-year track record of operating a profitable business. Her background is in accounting, bookkeeping, business coaching, and consulting solutions for small businesses and not for profit agencies. As the owner of Mitchell Business Consultants, we provide entrepreneurs with access to the necessary tools, mentorship, and resources that support each stage of their business's development to ensure successful businesses' growth. We offer extensive business development training workshops, seminars, coaching/mentorship, marketing strategies, and financial management services that include accounting and bookkeeping services. Also, we provide QuickBooks training solutions to our clients' accurate financial records essential to running a successful business. After 25 years of providing excellent services to a variety of businesses, I have come to possess a vast knowledge of accounting, bookkeeping, marketing, and business solutions for start-up businesses, growth businesses, nonprofit organizations (i.e., churches, foster care agencies, insurance companies, childcare facilities, and CDC's), medical offices, internet companies, and several public companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange. She provides entrepreneurs with access to the tools, mentorship, and resources necessary to support each stage of their business's development to ensure successful growth. Crystal began working with Recycling Black Dollars in 2008. A nonprofit organization's mission is to aid in the Black American community by teaming with consumers, organizations, churches, and Fortune 500 corporations to foster consumer purchasing vending and contract opportunities. RBD collaborates with local and national banks and other funding organizations to identify capital for the development and expansion of the Black business community. She later became the Co-Director of the organization. She played a critical role in teaching business tools workshops that assist the business owner's ability to take their business to the next level. Some of the programs she is proud of include Miller Coors Urban Entrepreneur Business Plan Competition (MUES) and the Small Business Launchpad program, which covers the essential business disciplines every business owner needs to know to operate a successful business. In 2013, Mitchell Business Solutions and Strictly Biz, Inc. partnered to expand programs to include The Jr. Tycoons, a program designed to expose the world of entrepreneurship to children ages 6-10 years old, preparing the next generation of future business owners. In 2015, she took on the role of Instructor to teach a unique training course in Bookkeeping/QuickBooks for the Los Angeles County Office of Education at Mt. San Antonio Community College Workforce Training Center. In 2016 she co-led the launch of The BusinessZone, a weekly online radio show bringing business, entrepreneurial, procurement, and supplier diversity information/opportunities.

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